Lucky for today’s newest smokers, a long list of electronic “dab” devices have nearly automated the dabbing process, while eliminating the use of a torch. There are a few mainstays in this category that will make due and help initiate the newcomer into the world of solventless dabs.
1.E-Rig Kit. (These usually come with everything needed to take an electronic dab including a dab tool and a carb cap.)
2. Q-tips (for cleanup)
These units should always be used at the lowest available temperature settings. If the vapor is light or lacking, then try the next setting up. Be sure to follow the instructions provided as each unit’s operation may differ.
Normally a small match-head sized “dab” of rosin is scooped from the jar and placed in the device's electronic “nail/banger” (or atomizer) area, while the device is off. After the rosin is placed inside the cold e-rig and the included carb cap is secured, press the start button and wait until the rig vibrates or otherwise says go. Inhale for a duration until the unit cools and no more vapor is provided. Use a q-tip to clean the excess oil from the atomizer between dabs and after each and every use.
You should be able to q-tip a small amount of dark brown liquid or oil after each dab. If no liquid remains in the atomizer, the device was probably too hot.
If the vapor quickly subsided and stopped or cut-off mid dab, it was far too hot.
If an excess of oil remains or it's light yellow, you can increase the temperature for the next dab, and/or try running the device again.
Light colored leftover oil means increase temperatures, while no oil, or excessively black oil means the dab was too hot.
Ideally, you should be able to inhale and exhale several times off a single dab.
All of these keys to look for also apply to traditional dabbing techniques, giving you some first hand experience and insight into the desired outcome of traditional style dabs. Traditional methods are recommended once you feel comfortable with a torch.